Updated 8/30/2024
Payment usually
made within 24 hours.
Same day if you
have a Paypal account!
reserve the right to limit quantities needed.
NO ONE PAYS MORE! Call Stuart at 603-929-0057
Items highlighted in blue are new wants or higher offer prices.
If you have more than the quantities desired please let me know!
Wedding single stamps etc.
5155 Skywriting Paying $1.35 Each
SHEETS – Must be unfolded with no writing in the margins.
1100 3˘ Horticulture $7.00
1145 4˘ Boyscouts $3.50
1318 5˘ Beautiful America $6.00
1373 6˘ California $4.00
1605 29˘ Sandy Hook Lighthouse $25.00
1951 20˘ Love $20.00
2054 20˘ Metropolitan Opera $15.00
2166 22˘ Cent Poinsettia $13.00
2339 22˘ Georgia $25.00
2343 25˘ South Carolina $27.00
2347 25˘ North Carolina $30.00
2537 52˘ Fisher's Love Birds $33.00
2749 29˘ Grace Kelly $30.00
3036 $1 Red Fox Sheet $140.00 PB $23.00 Singles $2.50
3138 32˘ Bugs Bunny $40.00
3438 33˘ California $17.00
3836 37˘ Flowers $13.00
3837 60˘ Flowers $15.00
3869 37˘ USS Constellation $11.00
4398 61˘ Wedding cake $20.00
4462 Monarch Butterfly $23.00
FOREVER SHEETS/Booklets & Wedding Sheets
4481b Evergreens Booklet/20 $20.00
4505-08 Herbs Pane $15.00 Coil Roll $75.00
4521 64˘ Wedding cake $22.00
4558 Edward Hopper $17.00
4578b Baubles Booklet/20 $14.00
4602 65˘ Wedding Cake $25.00
4686b Aloha Booklet/10 $37.00
4711a Holy Family Booklet $20.00
4735 66˘ Wedding cake $24.00
4763b Seed Packet $22.00
4806 $2 Jenny “Box Set” Sealed $300 – Unsealed $225
4813 Holy Family Sheet of 20 $18.00
4815b Virgin Child & Madonna $14.00
4816 Poinsettia Wreath Pane of 20 $17.00
4820b Gingerbread House $15.00
4821a Poinsettia Pane/18 $14.00
4859 Great Spangled Butterfly $20.00
4867 70˘ Wedding cake 2 Oz $31.00
4905c Die Cut Version Circus Souvenir Sheet $45.00
4917-20 Hudson River Booklet $14.00
4936 Global sheet of 10 $17.00
4941-44 Winter Fun ATM Pane/18 $24.00
4945 Xmas Magi Booklet Pane $20.00
4959 Vintage Rose $22.00
4960 Tulip 70c Written Out $30.00
4999 Swallowtail Butterfly $21.00
5000 Wedding Cake 2 OZ $35.00
5002 2 Ounce “Forever” Tulip $40.00
5009 Elvis $14.00
5012 Ingrid Bergman $15.00
5030a Charlie Brown Pane $27.00
5060 Shirley Temple $24.00
5076a Views of our planets $16.00
5136 Eastern Tail Butterfly $40.00
5137-40 Pumpkin Booklet $20.00
5144 Nativity Booklet $27.00
5155 Skywriting $34.00
5157 $26.35 Arch Singles Paying $38.00 Each
5240a Flowers from the garden $15.00
5255 Love Flourishes $32.00
5281 Blue Plane $16.00
5296 $2 Liberty Sheet of Ten $22.00
5316 First Responders $20.00
5359 Cactus Pane $14.00
5348 Bethesda Fountain Plate Block $280.00 Singles $70.00
Airmail sheets No perf seps, No writing in margins
C34 10˘ Pan American Union Building $8.00 (Need Ten)
C35 $13.00
C36 $16.00
C71 20˘ Audobon $20.00 (Need Ten)
C72 10˘ Sheet of 100 $10.00 (Need Ten)
C127 45˘ America $21.00 (Need Five)
C149 $35.00 (Need TEN panes)
RW81 $15 Canvasback Duck Stamp Paying $18.00 (Five wanted)
RW84a Self Adhesive Pane $30.00
RW85 $25 Duck $40.00
RW86a $25 Self Adhesive Pane $35.00
Stamps must be sorted by denomination and placed in a
(High values can be loose)
3˘-99˘ Paying 40% Commemorative or definitive sheets, booklets or rolls
1˘-99˘ Scrap Paying 30%
$1 or higher paying 60% for scrap. 65% for sheets
We are NO longer buying Forever stamps other than what is listed above.
All Errors, Freaks & Oddities WANTED! - PAYING HIGHEST PRICES!
Over $15,000 face please call Stu first.
To My Home Page
Stuart Katz